Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Careers 4 Things That Will Derail Your Job Search Before You Even Get Started - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Careers 4 Things That Will Derail Your Job Search Before You Even Get Started - Introvert Whisperer Careers: 4 Things That Will Derail Your Job Search Before You Even Get Started Getting job clarity is one of the simplest concepts in job search, yet one of the hardest steps to take.   When I say job clarity, I mean the 2-3 specific jobs a person is pursuing in their quest to find a new job.   It does sound simple, but my observation is that in reality, a job seeker is often troubled about clarity.  I have seen people realize that due to their background and desires, they could head in a number of different directions â€" all valid, all confused.   One of the first questions I ask a person who seems to be struggling with their job search is what specific jobs they are pursuing.   The answers I get range from an industry they want to focus on like “finance and banking” to something that resembles a word jumble.  An industry is not a job title, nor is a word jumble. I know right then that their struggle in the job search is not a bad resume’ or work experience, it has to do with the fact that they haven’t focused on what they are in search of.   It’s like saying they’ll find my home somewhere in the Northwest.   It’s a direction, but so loose they really can’t begin an effective search.  The chances of someone finding my home are almost zero.   Your chances of finding a job without knowing what you are in search of might be about the same. An effective job search entails a great strategic plan, but you can’t begin to form a plan, if you aren’t clear on what your goal or job is.   As a result, a job seeker will end up jumping after every tip, every lead and many ads, because they all seem like something they could do.   This lack of clarity drifts into the resume’ they develop, which without an understanding of what the job is, also lacks a clear message to anyone who receives it.   When they speak to any of their network, the network walks away confused about what kind of help they can offer.   In other words, any effort expended on the job search can often be ineffective and really a waste of time until the job seeker can zero in on a couple of jobs/titles they can focus on and believe in. So what leads to this lack of clarity and what can a person do to clear up the muddy waters? Too many jobs on the radar.   This is an issue I see a great deal.   When a person is looking for a job and has had years of experience, they may look at BOTH the array of work they have done PLUS the array of work they could do.   It’s wonderful to have so many transferable skills.   It allows you to pursue a wide variety of positions with the belief you will be successful, because you have done that work before.   The problem is that this often creates a lack focus and direction. Solution:  If you are lucky enough to be in this situation â€" congratulations!   But, you need to make some choices.   I have seen people avoid making a choice because they either thought it would reduce their chances of landing a job or they were interested in pursuing them all.   You have to decide which 2 or 3 job titles you will enjoy the most, be the most competitive for and are perhaps the most abundant for you to pursue.   You have to narrow down your choices.   Once you’ve made your decision, you need to be convinced that your choices are right and move forward with confidence. Changing career focus.   I’ve seen people use a change of job as a platform for making anywhere from a major career change to simply applying their work in a new industry.   Certainly, if your situation and background call for that kind of shift, I say: Go for it!   However, I have seen people let that shift confuse them or make them unclear about what that next career is.   If you aren’t clear about what you’re looking for, imagine how unclear the universe of hiring managers is about where you belong. Solution:   Before you step into the job search, you need to explore your options, as well as yourself.   If you’re doing a “slight shift”, you should be able to find job titles fairly quickly with some research.   If you’re doing a wholesale career change, you have a whole self-examination process to go through to discover what you want to do when you grow up.   Treat yourself like a research project.   Go to work exploring your values, skills and passions and research where those can be applied.   You do not make a major career change by launching a job search; if you do, you may not like the results. Mistake an industry for a job.   This one I find fascinating.   I can’t figure out what the internal process must be, but I have had people answer the question of “What kind of job are you looking for?” with things like “investments” or “banking” or “green technology”.   Even after additional probing, they are unwavering in their responses.   An industry is not a job or a career â€" it’s a business classification. Solution: You need to test yourself in this area.   You could be what I call “tone deaf” to what you are thinking (and saying) around a job.   You might think you’re crystal clear, but in fact, you aren’t at all.   It’s also important to understand that if you are looking for a job, you need to be clear with your network and hiring managers.   Find a trusted person with a critical ear who will give you some good honest feedback.   Tell them what you’re looking for, and then ask them if you might be talking about an industry or a real job. You may be holding on to the past.   For people that have been laid off or are facing the end of some dream career, you may lack clarity, because you’re looking backward not forward.   You haven’t come to grips with the fact that your circumstances are now causing you to look for a job.   You may be reluctantly trudging through the acts of looking for a job.   You might be thinking you have to go do “X” because that’s all you can do.   There are a variety of reactions when people are in this state of transition.   If you think you might fall into this situation, you might lack clarity, because you can’t “see” yourself in that next job. Solution:   Normally, transition has its own timeline, but you may not.   If you can afford to simply give yourself a space of time to allow your previous work life to end, it will free you up to think more clearly about your next job.   If your circumstances simply won’t allow you to move through your transition at your own pace, then I suggest you consider a coach or someone who can help you process the endings.  This can open up the possibilities for finding your dream in the next thing you do. I heard a quote that I think applies here: “When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear”. Chris and Janet Attwood.   I think this summarizes it best.   To maximize your job search, to make everything you do count, you have to get clear about the job you’re pursuing. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Friday, March 6, 2020

3 Methods for Setting Goals

3 Methods for Setting Goals January is often viewed as a month for change, and most change starts with setting goalsthat is, verbalizing or writing down what you hope to achieve. Goal-setting can be a daunting process; you may not know where to begin or how to frame the objectives you have in mind. Many people give up on their New Years resolutions because they set unrealistic standards for themselves, but this issue can be fixed by finding techniques to help you set goals. Methods for goal-setting can include BSQ, SMART, and OGTM. Eager to set goals, but not sure where to begin? Keep reading to learn three methods for setting goals in the new year: Goal-setting method #1: BSQ BSQ stands for big, small, and quick. Begin this goal-setting method by thinking big. What do you hope to achieve in the coming months? Summarize your goal in several words or a sentencefor example, Land an internship thats related to my major. Dont worry if your goal seems unreachable now. The idea is to start big and to then move on to the specific steps that will make your goal attainable. The next step in BSQ is to act small. That is, enumerate each action you will take to reach your goalfor instance, to craft a well-written cover letter or to attend a networking event at your college. Its best to be as detailed as possible with this step; vague courses of action will not give you a clear idea of how to reach your goal. Finally, move quick. This is the step where you establish deadlines for yourself. Develop a separate deadline for each action you have brainstormed in the previous step. You may decide you need to craft a well-written cover letter by mid-January and attend a networking event sometime in February. Deadlines are essential when goal-setting because they hold you accountable. [RELATED: The Importance of Self-Reflection: How to End the Year on a Positive Note] Goal-setting method #2: SMART SMART is an acronym that explains the characteristics that contribute to effective goals: Specific: Your goal should be precise. Rather than setting the general goal to read more, decide how often and how much you would like to read. Measurable: Your goals failure or success can be calculated in some way. For example, you can measure your progress by the number of pages you have read in a day or week, or by the amount of time you have spent reading in a day or week. Agreed upon: In the event that other parties are involved, everyone needs to agree on the goal. If you are part of a book club, all members should agree on the reading material or pace. Otherwise, the club may dissolve due to differences of opinion. Realistic: Your goal must be attainable. For instance, you should allot yourself weeks to read a dense novel, not days. Be honest about what your schedule and brain can handle, and dont set unrealistic goals. Time-based: Your goal should have a deadline. Give yourself neither too much nor too little time to accomplish your goal. A goal without a deadline will almost certainly be postponed. [RELATED: Time Management Tips for Students] Goal-setting method #3: OGTM The OGTM (or objectives, goals, tactics, and metrics) method for goal-setting starts broad and becomes specific. You begin by creating an objective for yourselffor example, to improve in English class. The OGTM method defines an objective as a generalized, long-term hope that may be accomplished in a few months or even a few years. Next, streamline your objective into a goal (or a more tangible target). This may be learning five new vocabulary words per week. Tactics, much like the act small step in BSQ, refer to the techniques that enable you to reach your objective. To improve your English grade, you can download a vocabulary flashcard app for your phone or write in a journal every morning. Metrics, much like measurable from the SMART acronym, refers to the methodology for assessing a goals success. This step relies on numbers (such as percentages) to tell a story about the extent to which the objective was achieved. Students should notice that, although BSQ, SMART, and OGTM contain different letters, they embody similar ideals. No matter which goal-setting framework you choose in 2018, make sure your goals are specific, measurable, and attainable. With a researched plan, anything is possible! [RELATED: How to Make a Smart Study Routine] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

How Online Homework Help Solves Homework Struggles For A Student

How Online Homework Help Solves Homework Struggles For A Student 0SHARESShare Educational standards have reached out to the sky that students find it difficult to meet its demands. The additional help they need is unavoidable and they do seek shelter in one kind of tutoring or the other. Of all, many students feel that online tutoring is a good supplement for their education to meet out the expectations of the day. How tutoring online proves useful in helping students in their hectic time? Online tutoring services  extend their  instant service to the students in times of need- be it in hour’s time frame or minute’s time frame It is just the exact assignment help online executed by the tutoring services -keeping in tune with the deadlines, guidelines and other instructions as demanded by the student The last minute anxieties   of the student in any homework issue are driven away by the tutoring sites and they  procure immediate solutions with explanations to groom student mind towards positive learning modes  An online homework help   can be sought for all specific areas of a subject with answers for any particular aspect of  an area ,as you find in Algebra homework help Tutor Pace. Com makes room for hassle free homework help  for the students with its easy to understand methods and instant solutions. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Find Acting Classes in Manchester

How to Find Acting Classes in Manchester Time to get your Act Together with Manchester Drama Classes! ChaptersFinding Acting Classes in Manchester Private Acting Coaches in ManchesterDrama Schools in ManchesterThe home to three historical entertainment venues, Manchester is definitely a leading lady amongst the Northern English acting scene. The city’s well-equipped drama schools and venues materialise a true commitment to keeping British performing arts heritage alive. Cultural jewels like the Palace Theatre have successfully welcomed many blockbuster musical productions like Les Misérables, Miss Saigon and Mama Mia! So if you can't take musical acting classes in London, Manchester is a wonderful alternative.A talented crowd, Mancunians have populated both local and international cast lists for decades, amongst them Bernard Hill whom you might recognise in several memorable roles: Theoden in the Lord of the Rings trilogy but also the heroic captain in Titanic. John Bradley, who grew up in Wythenshawe, South Manchester, plays the courageous and benevolent Samwell Tarly in the infa mous Game of Thrones series. We will be sure to see more of him in the future!Are you a local talent yourself? Have you ever wondered whether you could take the main stage without losing your cool? Against general perception, discipline in intensive rehearsing is key to becoming an actor. If you wish to learn the fundamentals of drama but don’t know where to start we’ve got you covered. Dive into our list of acting classes available in Manchester!Are you attracted to camera lights? Perhaps it's time to book a film acting class in Manchester. (www.unsplash.com) CarlActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ElifActing Teacher 5.00 (10) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CalumActing Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChristopherActing Teacher 5.00 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £85/h1s t lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielActing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CiaranActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFinding Acting Classes in ManchesterHave a big passion for drama but a smaller budget? If you’re looking for cheap acting lessons look no further. It's not hard to find acting lessons near you!ActUpNorth offers affordable adult acting classes for those with commitment and determination in a safe environment. Launched in 2009 by casting director Peter Hunt, you will find dedicated and professional care for budding thespians here. The programme is strongly influenced by the modern media climate and favours a practical approach to instruction in cold reading and monologues. Basic skills and acting techniques are taught in a novel way so to best fit the current film industry. The school supports students’ early on in their careers through opportunities to work with producers, directors and agent s. Studying here will give you the opportunity to get your foot in the (studio) door.Accessible drama training for all is also a strong focus for former acting and voice coach Mark Hudson. His Manchester School of Acting endeavours to teach the stage and screen acting methods in various formats, from part-time to more in-depth intensive sessions. Mark and his team will have you progressing in no time, focusing on challenging material. Applicants will have to go through an interview process that involves an audition and a meeting with Mark and his team, each class costs £20.The New Live Theatre Company caters to all prospective students with acting workshops and short-courses suitable for all levels from beginners to perfecting a monologue. Not only do they want you to grow as an actor but they also address the challenges of breaking into a tough business. Why not add useful industry insight to your course list like learning how to market yourself as an actor, a critical ability to get work in a dense market. Weekly acting classes cost as little as £12.50 and you can join at any time of the year.The Royal Exchange Theatre is not only based in one of the most beautiful buildings in Manchester but believes that everyone should be able to train to become an actor. A Northern hub for storytelling, after showcases the time to exchange ideas about the latest production encourages reflection and a critical eye. Not a class per say but definitely an evening from which you will learn a thing or two, head here for more information.Find acting classes Manchester.Do you dream of being the star on screen? Benefit from the variety of acting classes in Manchester now. (Source: www.unsplash.com)Private Acting Coaches in ManchesterGoing about finding a private tutor can be daunting as there are numerous ads and postings out there. But once you have found him, the right acting coach will spotlight a particular aspect of your set of skills that needs work. They can be great in directing novice and intermediate level actors to the next level. By supplying sharp feedback, a coach will help you overcome your learning hurdles and kick-start that growth you have been looking to achieve as a performer.Beyond particular acting techniques like improvisation or even clowning, coaches can also help you work on presence and physicality, your posture and gestures. Their services can also help conquer stage fears or anxiety-inducing social situations.If you are thinking about private tuition to hone a particular skill, The Actor’s Lab is for you. With a reputation for tailored service, they are as flexible as your schedule requires, offering weeks days, evenings and weekends availabilities. Looking to add another talent to your repertoire? The school also offers singing classes from a range of seasoned industry professionals in a studio of your choice, the tutor’s home or even the comfort of your own home. A one-hour private acting class costs £60.Thinking Actors offers acting training and support for children and adults alike. For example for kids can learn the groundlings of drama through a fun and lively lesson. You can also book a public speaking course or a corporate team building seminar. Peter Carroll will teach you everything about performing for film and tv. His professional methods include Stanislavski and Meisner. Student improvement through constructive criticism is key here so expect valuable feedback. Other coaches like Karen Henthorn who also teach at prestigious acting schools like London’s Italia Conti return regularly for weekend masterclasses. Beyond delivery and voice control, the special workshops also cover transversal skills like emotional and spatial awareness. Expect £130 for a two-day masterclass and £20 for an acting for camera group session.The Manchester Hub Drama in Salford neighbourhood can simply help you build self-confidence. The professional approach coupled with an intimate atmosphere will be sure to give the shyest one in the crowd a social boost. Their panel of coaches is ever evolving and has a constant flow of newcomers like Callum Arnott (Coronation Street, Fat Friends, Doctors). The wealth of experience from all the teachers combined covers both TV and stage training. Trial classes are a great deal at £7.50 and regular classes are subject to a monthly fee of £50.Established in Manchester 15 years ago, film director Ian Vernon has won multiple awards and developed his own method drawn from solid experience in the film business. He teaches 3-hour evening classes composed of small focused groups limited to 9 students. Ian explores technical skills and shares tricks that many schools won’t know about. Clear direction and honest critiques are his tools of the trade to make you progress into a capable actor with range and cast-ability.Several websites offer a direct contact with acting coaches that are also practicing actors with industry experience. We recommend a careful r ead through their profiles which will have everything from qualifications, teaching methods down to the distance they are willing to travel for the lesson. Prices may vary from £20 to £40 an hour. Who knows you may find your new mentor online!Time to take a stand in front of that camera, sign up for an acting class in Manchester today. (Source: www.unsplash.com)Do you live closer to the centre of England? Why not look for drama lessons in Birmingham?Drama Schools in ManchesterIn terms of formal and accredited acting training, The Manchester School of Theatre, linked to the Metropolitan University, is the main choice for Northeastern England. The school follows a more physical approach to theatre, think the Grotowski method. Not limited to one school of acting, you will find instruction on Brecht and Stanislavski too. Working in close collaboration with the BBC North and Granada channels, the school is a reputed stepping stone into the business. The many alumni that have gone on to have bright careers in acting testify to the quality of the program. The three-year full-time undergraduate course tuition costs £9,250 for UK and EU students.You can also choose to enroll in a BA or a diploma at The Arden School of Theatre. Reputed for top-notch training for musical theatre, dance and dramatic arts, it is a place of transversal skills. The acting faculty includes TV drama regular Marie Critchley and Paul Broughton, who has been in the business for 22 years. The stage oriented course “Theatre and Performance” targets game-changers, innovators and those excited to take drama to new heights. The “Acting for live and recorded media” will give you a wealth of experience from 3 years of learning in state of the art infrastructures: strong audition skills down to clean and professional show and audio-reels. The course is taught by professors still actively involved in the industry who will share their business know-how. The application process requires an auditi on, a GCSE grade C or above in English and at least 96 UCAS points. The current rate for this course is £8,900 per year. The school also offers evening classes from 6.00 to 8.30 pm, running in 6 week periods for £150 per term.The Manchester College’s Performing Arts department teaches students from all ages from post GCSE level to adults looking for a change in career. All you need to do is find a course and apply online with your resume, it’s as easy as that! The first interview with corresponding tutors will cover your motivations, it is generally hosted on campus. Be it in Central, North East or South Manchester, visiting the course location is the chance see the learning environment and get a feel for the student life there. That said, every campus has consciously established a long-standing relationship with their host community, making sure local businesses also benefit from the college’s activities. For the youngest students (16 to 18 years old) there are no course or exam fees, but other life-related expenses may arise and the college offers a range of financial support schemes or you can apply for a scholarship.Theatre isn't just for the books, Manchester has plently of drama lessons to get your act together. (Source: www.unsplash.com)Aspiring actors living in Scotland can find acting classes in Glasgow.Congratulations fellow Mancunians - you now know everything about finding the right acting class for you! Be it Chekhov, Shakespeare, the Emmy awards or Broadway, your drama aspirations now have an outlet and no excuses. Now go forth, give one of these options a try and step onto your own stage!Acting classes EdinburghActing classes BelfastActing classes LeedsActing classes Cardiff

Huntington Learning Center Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

Huntington Learning Center Celebrates Catholic Schools Week Huntington Learning Center Celebrates Catholic Schools Week Oradell, NJ, January 26, 2015 Huntington Learning Center is proud to support Catholic Schools Week 2015 (Jan. 25 through Jan. 31), a celebration of Catholic schools in America as an important part of U.S. education due to their traditionally high academic standards and graduation rates. 2015 marks the 41st year of Catholic Schools Week, which became an annual event in 1974. Americas youth are shaped by their education, and Huntington is pleased to join Catholic schools in giving elementary and secondary students the best education possible, says Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center. We applaud all schools that uphold high educational standards and integrate values-based teaching into their curricula. The 2015 theme of Catholic Schools Week is Catholic Schools: Faith, Academics, Service, which highlights the three distinctions of Catholic schools. Huntington Learning Center is a part of many communities across our nation, and we recognize that Catholic schools play an important role in our educational system, says Huntington. Were proud to partner with Catholic and other schools of excellence to help students reach their potential and give them the foundation to become good citizens. Huntington supports a variety of national events focused on education, including Read Across America, Math Awareness Month and American Education Week. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at www.huntingtonhelps.com. For franchise opportunities please visit www.huntingtonfranchise.com.

760! - Another Satisfied GMAT Student

760! - Another Satisfied GMAT Student Improving Academic Performance MyGuru is proud to announce that one of our recent GMAT students just earned a score of 760 (99th percentile) on the GMAT.Here’s what she had to say about her experience using MyGuru:“I just took the GMAT this morning and received a fabulous score! I scored a 760 overall with a 49 in Quant and a 45 in Verbal. Woo Hoo!!!A big thank you goes out to Jim for helping me overcome specific weaknesses. I really appreciate your patience and guidance during our tutoring sessions. You also helped improve my mental math skills and taught me how to think outside of the box on complex questions. Thank you!The GMAT Club questions were also good, but I found they were almost too hard. The actual test was not nearly as difficult as the GMAT Club quant questions were. I also found that number properties were a bigger portion of the test than I originally anticipated. I would suggest students focus on this and not only concentrate on the super tricky word problems.Thank you again for your help in m y preparation process. I'm completely over the moon right now!”We’re always happy to hear from satisfied students. Are you interested in GMAT tutoring from MyGuru?Visit our GMAT tutoring page to learn more about how we can help through customized, 1-1 GMAT tutoring and unique access to powerful GMAT prep tools and materials.

San Diego Academic Tutor 5 ways to Improve Concentration

San Diego Academic Tutor 5 ways to Improve Concentration San Diego Academic Tutor Tips: 5 Ways to Improve Concentration Students have so many things to concentrate on these days, and they’re encouraged to multitask at every turn. Unfortunately, so many difficult academic tasks can often lead to a serious amount of fatigue. When students are tired, they lose their concentration almost straight away, and that can make focusing on homework a major challenge. Once students develop this unhelpful cycle, the entire semester could be at risk. However, there are some great ways students can improve their concentration so they can get their work done efficiently and still have time left over to rest, relax, or just have some fun our private San Diego academic tutors are here to help you concentrate on your studies. 1.   Block out the world Although its important for students to be able to work as a team and socialize, sometimes its better to block out the world when a student needs to do some serious studying. Finding a quiet study space is important, but students can also listen to ambient noises or relaxing music in their headphones to help block out noise in a coffee shop or school library. Students are also encouraged to shut down social media and put their cell phones in another room, so theyre not tempted to take a quick peek at what their friends are doing online â€" which usually leads to several hours of social media surfing. 2. Meet with an organizational consultant Organizational and educational consultants have been working with students for years to help them make the study more efficient. In many cases, high school students are spending two hours completing an assignment worth two points and but spending 45 minutes trying to finish a three-page paper. Elementary and middle school students might not even understand what the percentage and points system means and dedicate equal time to every assignment regardless of what its worth. Organizational consultants can help students prioritize their time and manage different assignments by importance, often leaving them with more free time and increased concentration. 3. Boost self-esteem If students are worried about the grade they got on their last assignment or what their friends at school think about their contribution to the study group, theyre less likely to be able to maintain their focus. Its very normal for teens to have lots of different worries but those worries take away from mental focus. Its essential for students, at this age, to feel that their teachers and parents are proud of their work and receive compliments when they do something correctly. Students may also get a self-esteem boost from participating in sports or working on a creative activity. Its important they get to participate in something they excel in so that they can feel good about themselves and put that extra effort and focus on more difficult assignments (READ: San Diego Admissions Consulting: How Many Schools Should I Apply to?). 4. Limit time with electronics When students spend too much time on a tablet or laptop when not working on assignments, their eyes and brains can become overly fatigued. Students can spend some time in nature or just get a little bit of exercise to help counterbalance their lack of movement while studying or can download an app that cuts the amount of blue light they’re exposed to during extended study sessions. 5. Sleep One of the simplest and most effective ways students can improve their focus is to get eight or more hours of sleep every night. Of course, this is easier said than done, especially for college prep students who are trying to fit in SAT or ACT study along with their regular academic courses. Regardless, students who are running on empty during the day will have a difficult time focusing and find that relatively easy tasks become difficult. Adequate sleep is the key to maintaining concentration throughout a student’s academic career. Learn how to concentrate on your studies from our experienced San Diego academic tutors. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at pr@tutornerds.com for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.